What Else Is True?


LIAM LONEGAN | Artistic Director of Egg & Spoon Theatre Collective

When we founded Egg & Spoon in 2017, we’d just moved to NYC. We were very young and very naive. We were convinced that our work should be taken seriously and that our friendships were forever. Then, life does what life does, and all that you thought was permanent becomes temporary, and you ride each year and relationship the best you can. 

In one scene of What Else is True?, just before intermission, Zeke spews a lot of beautiful nostalgia. He’s talking to his friends, fantasizing about their future, and says, “And it'll get harder and harder to get them to visit…And once every few years they'll come back-- all of them, except for the one or two who can't, who we'll keep with us everywhere we go even if that tears at the chambers of our hearts.”

When I watch this play, I inevitably think about the people who made Egg & Spoon possible - many people with whom I’ve sadly lost touch. It’s because of their commitment and dedication at the very beginning that we’re even here today, six years later. They created a company, and turned me into a producer. I can’t articulate how grateful I am to them. 

The biggest thank you to David, who writes with such eloquence, with such vulnerability, and who trusted Egg & Spoon with this special piece. And heartfelt congratulations to Adam, Jake, the company, and staff, whose work on every aspect of this project is immeasurable and leaves me extremely humble every night. 

And to you, our audience: welcome back to Egg & Spoon. 

Liam Lonegan